Governor Josh Shapiro Reaches Agreement with PJM to Prevent Unnecessary Price Hikes and Save Consumers Over $21 Billion on Utility Bills

In December, Governor Shapiro filed a lawsuit with federal energy regulators to prevent energy price hikes on 65 million consumers, including 13 million Pennsylvanians.
Governor Shapiro’s work to find a pathway to resolving this lawsuit with PJM has averted runaway prices and will save Pennsylvanians money on their electricity bills, but has not prevented a rise in rates.
Harrisburg, PA – Today, Governor Josh Shapiro announced he has reached an agreement with PJM Interconnection on a plan to resolve his recent lawsuit and to save consumers over $21 billion over the next two years. In December, Governor Josh Shapiro filed a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) against PJM Interconnection, criticizing flaws in PJM’s capacity auction design that threatened to impose significant new price increases. The agreement will avoid historic price hikes on consumers across all 13 states PJM serves, including Pennsylvania.
Left unaddressed, PJM’s next capacity auction scheduled for July 2025 would have resulted in billions in unnecessary energy costs for 65 million people across the region. The Governor worked with PJM to significantly lower the capacity auction price cap – from over $500/Megawatt-Day to $325/MW-Day – and averting a runaway auction price that would have unnecessarily increased energy bills.
The Commonwealth is a leading producer of energy and the nation’s largest exporter of electricity – nearly a century ago, Pennsylvania helped to found PJM, and today still serves as a generation backbone for the region. At the same time it has led this fight against unnecessary price increases on consumers, the Shapiro Administration is committed to meeting the need for new generation by getting more power projects built in Pennsylvania as part of an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy to create jobs, reduce emissions, and ensure safe, reliable, affordable power for Pennsylvanians for the long term.
“When PJM’s next auction was set to result in historic price hikes, I filed a lawsuit to stop this price hike on consumers and defend Pennsylvanians,” said Governor Shapiro. “PJM did the right thing by listening to my concerns and coming to the table to find a path forward that will save Pennsylvanians billions of dollars on their electricity bills. My Administration will continue to work to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable power for Pennsylvanians for the long term.”
PJM operates a capacity market, which means that operators are paid to commit to providing energy in the future. Over the last several years, demand for energy has risen rapidly but PJM has been slow to allow new power sources onto its grid – and as a result, PJM capacity prices have skyrocketed. PJM’s 2025/26 capacity auction, held in July 2024, resulted in costs of $14.7 billion – an over 800 percent increase from the prior year.
The Governor pushed PJM to reduce their price cap, and a diverse coalition came together support the Governor’s message, including four governors, energy and consumer advocates, and the Organization of PJM States (OPSI). The Shapiro Administration’s energy leadership promises to save the PJM region over $21 billion on utility bills in the next two years.
PJM and the Shapiro Administration have agreed to a path forward for the complaint, subject to consultation with PJM members and the PJM Board of Managers. In order to avoid further delays to the auction schedule, PJM will soon seek a FERC order by proposing a cap and floor mechanism through an FPA section 205 filing with the FERC.
This resolution follows over a year of engagement with PJM. Governor Shapiro continues to repeatedly press for long-term solutions that address increasing costs, urging PJM to:
- Reopen their closed interconnection queue to get new projects online, like the restart of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania;
- Rely on member states to help determine which projects are ready and to speed up project approvals like the Governor has done in Pennsylvania;
- Implement new best practices established by FERC in order to be better prepared in extreme weather scenarios and ensure affordable, reliable power year-round; and
- Reform the capacity market to more accurately reflect real world conditions, ensuring grid reliability while saving consumers money on their utility bills.

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has prepared A Directory of Solar Consumer Education Resources to help state energy agencies and others to educate consumers about residential solar power opportunities. The directory contains links to nearly 50 solar consumer education resources created by federal and state government agencies, utilities, and nonprofits.
The directory is organized into six categories:
- Solar Installation Information: General consumer education guides for homeowners interested in installing solar.
- Energy Programs & Incentives: Materials educating consumers about solar and other energy programs and incentives.
- Solar Consumer Protection: Materials regarding either (1) accountability for bad actors, or (2) education for consumers to know their rights and avoid scams.
- Energy Systems Education: Materials to help educate residents about clean energy and clean energy systems, providing consumers with a “101” perspective on these topics.
- Consumer Energy Guides: Guides to help consumers understand topics such as their utility bills, how to shop for and compare solar, community solar options, storage, etc.
- Miscellaneous Guides
CESA created this directory in response to requests from our member organizations for assistance with their solar consumer education efforts. Some of the resources listed in this directory may provide useful models for state-specific resources. CESA members and others are welcome to include a link to this directory, or any of the resources included within, on their own websites.
CESA will update this directory periodically. If you know of additional resources that should be included in it or corrections to any of the entries, please email CESA Project Director Anna Ziai at anna.ziai@cleanegroup.org.
NEWS: Cool Congregations Challenge!

Two weeks left to apply for a chance to win $1000!
Get recognized for your congregation’s efforts to become a sustainable leader in your community! Apply for the Cool Congregations Challenge, our annual contest for congregations. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2024.
There are six entry categories:
Energy Saver: Lighting, Insulation, Windows & Doors, Heating & Cooling Systems
Renewable Role Model: Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Solar Water Heating
Sacred Grounds: Native landscaping, Organic Gardening, Water Conservation, Bike Racks, Wildlife Habitats, Recycling & Composting
Community Inspiration: Inspiring Congregants to Reduce at Home, Helping Communities Transition from Fossil Fuels to Clean Energy, Helping Communities Prepare for the Impacts of Climate Change
Cool Congregations Planner: Audits, Planning Reports, Fundraising
Electric Vehicle Leader: EVs, Charging Stations, Education, Advocacy, Outreach
In each category, the top winner wins $1,000!
Is your congregation planning to take advantage of the new Federal funding available for nonprofits to upgrade your facilities to reduce energy use? If your congregation has made concrete plans – for energy audits, written action plans, and fundraising – consider applying for the Cool Planner category.
Download the preview questions, as well as a flyer to get your green team excited about entering.
Projects can take place inside the worship space or other buildings, on the grounds, in congregants’ homes, or in the community.
The eligibility window includes projects completed in 2022, 2023, and 2024. If you applied before and have not won the Challenge previously, you are eligible to apply again for your projects completed in those three years.
The deadline to apply is December 15.
Apply for IPL’s Cool Congregations Challenge for the chance to win $1000.
NEWS: Doctor in the house: one physician’s exceedingly healthy home
Rewiring America advisor Gaurab Basu takes us on a tour of his family’s electrified Boston abode. Watch the video linked below to see how Gaurab has made his home more environmentally friendly and healthy!
Al Gore and Climate TRACE Unveil Groundbreaking Data to Target High-Impact Emissions Reductions!
Climate TRACE is a map that tracks the amount of emission being emitted at the lowest level to date. It goes down to the individual facility releasing the most greenhouse gases in that area!
Here is a video from its introduction at COP29 by Al Gore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0WBeg1NJ7A
Here is a link to Climate TRACE: https://climatetrace.org/
News on Heading God’s Call to End Gun Violence: Local Groups Honor Gun Violence Victims In Philly and its Suburbs

More than 200 brightly colored T-shirts surround the Arch Street Meeting House. On each one, written in marker, is the name, age and date when the person being remembered was killed in an act of gun violence, in Philadelphia and its surrounding counties. The memorial includes those murdered between 2019 and 2023.
The event is a cooperative effort between several groups, operating as Friends Ending Gun Violence Collaborative, overseen by the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and in partnership with Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence. The Memorial to the Lost exhibit was dedicated Friday, Nov. 8.
Read the full story here: https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-arch-street-meeting-house-gun-violence-memorial-shirts/
New Scientific Report: “We are on the brink
of an irreversible climate disaster”

As Florida struggles to handle the devastating effects of a second violent hurricane in just a few weeks, our leaders’ inability to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions means this is only a first taste of what’s to come. The brand-new 2024 State of the Climate Report by Johan Rockström, Michael E. Mann, and other renowned climate scientists was published in BioScience this week. It states that “we are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster” and that we are now “stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis.” So, what are the fossil fuel companies doing when faced with this reality? They continue to run in the wrong direction. Earlier this week, Reuters revealed that BP has scrapped its key 2030 emissions target— and is exploring new investments in the Middle East and the Gulf of Mexico to boost its oil and gas output. Meanwhile, the highly regarded news outlet Politico published a Chevron-sponsored article on the devastation caused by the previous hurricane, Helene. The story was punctuated with Chevron ads promoting the oil giant’s new deepwater drilling project, “Anchor.” With Anchor, Chevron has accessed oil deposits at record depths, giving the company potential to pump oil for decades to come, leading to an estimated 187 million metric tons of CO₂ emissions. While this might please oil executives and shareholders, employees in the fossil fuel industry are having nightmares about the effects of their work. Just a few days ago, Vice Media published an important documentary revealing the grave concerns of many workers in the oil industry. Watch it here! |
BREAKING NEWS: Liz Robinson, a member of the QAMAR Team, recently celebrated two years of the Inflation Reduction Act with local officials. View some excerpts from the full article below!
When Liz and her husband, Paul Ricker, think of the future, they worry about the effects on the world their children and grandchild will inherit due to climate change.
Robinson and Ricker, a retired construction manager who specialized in affordable housing, said the electric car and new water heater should save them money as well as leave them with a cleaner and healthier household.
The family qualified for $7,500 in federal tax credits for the electric vehicle, and Robinson said they’re saving about 60% of their previous annual gasoline costs with the new car. They also qualified for a tax credit amounting to 30% of the water heater installation cost, meaning they should receive $1,350 after they file taxes at the end of the year.
“Without this incentive from the IRA, I would not have done it economically,” Ricker said. “It would have been too far out of reach.”
View the whole story here: https://pennsylvaniaindependent.com/economy/homeowners-use-ira-tax-credits-to-purchase-new-ev-water-heater/
Big News! Quaker Earthcare Witness is launching a new global Quaker Climate Map to visualize the real progress Quakers are making in lowering their carbon emissions worldwide.
The Climate Map (beta) is Phase 1 in the new campaign QEW staff are proposing during their Fall Gathering to bolster Quaker climate action over the next decade.
The map is intended to help:
- Create a network of Earthcare contacts in Quakerdom for future movement efforts
- Link to similar efforts around the world
- Visualize global Quaker efforts on Earthcare
- Share resources and successes
- Celebrate what is already being done
- Inspire friends to build on each other’s successes
Click here to access the Climate Map (beta)!
BREAKING: Climate Change Timeframes
The Yale Climate Connection has published an excellent article by Jeff Masters that you’ll want to have a look at: “When will climate change turn life in the U.S. upside down?” While the outlook is a bit scary, there is some good news here too. It covers various climate risks, like wildfires, food shortages, and flooding and the insurance crises that will cause. But it also points out that some of the hardest work is already done in that we are now rapidly ramping up the renewable energy sources we need to get to net-zero emissions. Please give it your attention — it is well worth the read.

Predicted change in minor flooding days (>1.74 feet above high tide) in St. Petersburg, Florida, under an “intermediate-high” sea level rise scenario (5.33 feet of sea level rise in 2100 compared to 2000). (Image credit: NASA sea level rise tool)

NEW POLL: Pennsylvania Voters Strongly Support Significantly Increasing Clean Energy Use Today, Evergreen Action, joined by PennEnvironment, Conservation Voters of PA, and Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance, released new polling from Global Strategy Group that shows a wide bipartisan majority of Pennsylvania voters support the increased usage of clean energy and believe its expansion will boost Pennsylvania’s economy and improve the reliability and affordability of energy in the state. The poll finds that an overwhelming 78 percent of Pennsylvania voters support significantly increasing the use of clean energy sources like wind and solar—including majorities of Democrats (93 percent), Independents (84 percent), and Republicans (59 percent). This broad support was found among voters across the state with strong majorities from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Additionally, over 60 percent of voters believe scaling up clean energy will protect the health of future generations of Pennsylvanians and improve air and water quality in the Commonwealth. When asked about the increasing frequency of power outages across the state, voters were clear about whom and what they believed was responsible. When given six potential causes of power outages in Pennsylvania and asked to choose the two they blame the most, 47 percent of voters selected Pennsylvania’s outdated electric grid, followed by 38 percent who blamed the increased frequency of more severe storms and extreme weather events, and 29 percent who believed Pennsylvania’s utility companies are not doing enough to prepare for and respond to storms. Some key findings from the poll are below and the full results are available online here. Additional key findings: By a 49-23 percent margin, voters say increasing clean energy usage will positively impact Pennsylvania’s economy;By a 47-21 percent margin, voters say the reliability of Pennsylvania’s electricity will be improved by scaling up clean energy; andBy a 46-25 percent margin, voters say electricity will be more affordable for households with increased clean energy usage. “Across the political spectrum, Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly want to see the state SIGNIFICANTLY expand the use of clean energy,” said Andrew Baumann, Partner at Global Strategy Group.“Despite the efforts of opponents, voters believe that expanding clean energy will have a positive impact on the state’s economy and on the cost and reliability of electricity in the state.” “Pennsylvanians want and are ready for an updated, clean energy electricity grid that will help the Commonwealth’s economy continue to grow. Regardless of zip code or political affiliation, Pennsylvania voters know that clean energy is key to protecting the health and safety of their families, future generations, and the air and water they breathe,” said Julia Kortrey, Evergreen Action deputy state policy director. “With increasingly frequent power outages and extreme weather events like Winter Storm Elliot, the holes of the current electricity grid have been exposed and magnified—and Pennsylvania voters have taken note. Pennsylvanians deserve clean, affordable, and reliable energy. Scaling up clean energy is how to get there.” “It’s exciting to see public opinion that supports a broad approach that robustly includes clean energy—something our business members deliver every day,” said Jeaneen Zappa, The Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance executive director. “Our outdated grid and the PJM logjam in adding renewable energy projects increases the risk of outages and utility rate increases. We have newer, more efficient technologies way beyond the baseline that was developed nearly a century ago, so let’s get smarter—and get to using them.” “This new polling makes it perfectly clear: it doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat, Republican or Independent–Pennsylvanians from all walks of life overwhelmingly support policies to promote renewable energy in the Keystone State,” said Flora Cardoni, Deputy Director with PennEnvironment. “This should give decision-makers at the local, state, and national level the confidence to embrace clean energy in the Commonwealth.” “The results are in: Clean energy is a winning issue in Pennsylvania. Voters across the Keystone state recognize that expanding clean energy usage is crucial for the future of our economy, health, and environment,” said Katie Blume, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania political and legislative director. “By supercharging our usage of clean energy, we can finally modernize Pennsylvania’s power grid—all while lowering energy costs and improving reliability for ratepayers.” Global Strategy Group conducted a survey of 800 registered voters in Pennsylvania between June 10 and 17, 2024. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent. Of the 800 interviews, half were conducted by telephone or a text invitation to participate in an online survey; the other half were conducted via web-based panel with participants matched to the voter file. Care has been taken to ensure the geographic, political, and demographic divisions of the population of registered voters are properly represented. Find this release online here. ###Visit Website |
Copyright © 2023 Evergreen Action, All rights reserved. |
BREAKING: Check out testimony from the June 24th House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee! Here is the link to the full hearing and testimony: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/CMS/ArchiveDetails.cfm?SessYear=2023&MeetingId=3896&Code=8&Chamber=H
QAMAR Testimony:
Amazing Testimony from Richard Whiteford:
BREAKING: House Committee Told Governor’s Energy Plan Diversifies Energy Generation, Avoids One-Fuel Dependence, Improves Grid Reliability, Lowers Consumer Costs, Generates Jobs; Or Upends Competitive Markets And Is A ‘Death Wish’ For Our Economy

On June 24, members of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee were told at a hearing on House Bill 2277 (Otten-D-Chester), the Governor’s Energy Plan would diversify energy generation, avoid one-fuel dependence, improve grid reliability, lower consumer costs by avoiding energy price spikes, generate energy-related employment; or would upend competitive energy markets that work and be a “death wish” for our economy.
READ THE FULL BLOG POST HERE: https://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2024/06/house-committee-told-governors-energy.html
PUC Schedules Additional June Public Input Hearings for $510 Million Electric and Natural Gas Rate Increases Proposed by PECO Energy Company
Philadelphia In-Person Hearings and Telephonic Hearings Added to Allow More Customers and Other Concerned Parties to Offer Input on Impact of Proposed Rate Increases
HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) announced the scheduling of additional hearings in June to gather public input on the request by PECO Energy Company (PECO) to increase rates for electric and natural gas distribution services – including two hearings on June 12th in Philadelphia, along with two telephonic hearings on June 13th.
Additional PUC Public Input Hearings
In-person hearings have been scheduled for the following:
Wednesday, June 12 – Philadelphia
Hearing #1 starts at 1 p.m.
Hearing #2 starts at 6 p.m.
Free Library of Philadelphia (Montgomery Auditorium)
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19103
Telephonic hearings are scheduled for the following:
Thursday, June 13
Telephonic hearing #1 will begin at 1 p.m.
Telephonic hearing #2 will begin at 6 p.m.
PUC Administrative Law Judges Marta Guhl and Darlene D. Heep will preside over the public input hearings.
NOTE: These new hearings are in addition to previously announced public input hearings on June 6 and June 7 in Delaware and Chester countie…
View this press release on our website
BREAKING: House Democrats introduce H.B. 2275: The Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Act

Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Act (PACER) Retains Key Aspects of the RGGI Regulation
By: Kevin J. Garber
“On May 8, 2024, a large group of Democrat members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives introduced H.B. 2275, the Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Act, into the General Assembly. The Shapiro administration announced PACER earlier this year as an approach to creating a Pennsylvania-specific carbon reduction program instead of joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The actual language of the bill unsurprisingly retains key aspects of the RGGI regulation that the Environmental Quality Board promulgated on April 23, 2022. The Commonwealth Court declared that regulation void on November 1, 2023 as being an unconstitutional tax and enjoined the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection from enforcing it. However, the Court’s decision does not remove the regulation from existence.”
Check out the full story here: https://natlawreview.com/article/pennsylvania-climate-emissions-reduction-act-pacer-retains-key-aspects-rggi

CHECK THIS OUT: For Earth Day, Governor Shapiro unveiled the solar farms that will supply 50% of the PA state government’s electricity needs! This solar farm is one of ten that are being built to meet this goal. The Gov. also talks about PRESS and PACER, the two main elements of his Energy Plan.
Check out the announcement here!: https://pacast.com/m?p=25823