Quaker Action Mid-Atlantic Region Supports Common Sense Gun Laws that will help save lives in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
State News
New legislation has been introduced, but given the stonewalling of Pennsylvania Senate leadership, the new has just joined the queue, despite the efforts of many gun violence prevention groups.
Friends Ending Gun Violence collaborative is now up and going. An invitation to PYM meetings to learn more, seek contact, and get involved with the collaborative has gone out!
National News
An executive order imposed by Trump to ban bump stocks, which are add-on mechanisms that enable continual firing of semi-automatic guns (which normally fire a single bullet with each trigger pull), making their operation virtually identical to prohibited automatic weapons (machine guns), was overturned by the US Supreme Court (Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era ban on rapid-fire rifle bump stocks | AP News) and legislation to essentially reestablish the ban was blocked by Republicans.