Stephen Loughin: Executive Secretary
Stephen is a retired scientist, having worked on the NASA missions to Saturn (Cassini) and Pluto (New Horizons). His research involved materials used to convert heat into electricity to power these spacecraft for their lengthy voyages. Additionally, he taught physics for over a decade at Saint Joseph’s University and was also a co-founder and director of the American Reading Company, which provides literacy programs for schools across the country. He holds degrees in applied physics, electrical engineering, and materials science from the University of Pennsylvania. He has been active in Quaker Eco-Justice causes for over 20 years now.

Liz Robinson: Board member
Liz is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Solar Energy Association (PSEA), a nonprofit dedicated to expanding solar statewide. PSEA works on public policy and program implementation, particularly at the state and regional levels, and provides STEM education to increase students’ understanding and engagement in solar energy and related technologies. Before coming to PSEA, Liz founded and directed the Energy Coordinating Agency (ECA) for more than 30 years. ECA provides energy efficiency, education, workforce development, home repair, and bill payment assistance services to thousands of low-income households every year in PA and Delaware. Liz co-founded and directed the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) the energy efficiency trade association for Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She also managed the Energy Cooperative Association of Philadelphia (ECAP), expanding it to a regional organization and taking it into the renewable energy market.
Bryan Miller: Board Member

Bruce Birchard: Board Member
Bruce Birchard joined the Religious Society of Friends in 1967 while a student at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. After getting an MA in anthropology at the University of Chicago, he moved with his wife, Dr. Demie Kurz, to Philadelphia. There they both joined Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. He worked for the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Friends Peace
Committee from 1974 to 1984, then as National Coordinator of the Disarmament Program of the American Friends Service Committee from 1984 to 1992, and finally as General Secretary of Friends General Conference from 1992 until 2011. In his retirement, he has been involved with several Quaker organizations, including Quaker Voluntary Service, Right Sharing of World
Resources, the Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends (focused on protecting the integrity of U.S. elections), the PYM Eco-Justice Collaborative, and most recently the new Quaker Action, Mid-Atlantic Region.
Patricia Finley: Co-Treasurer
Pat is a member of Old Haverford Meeting, a retired academic, has clerked the PYM Eco-Justice Collaborative since 2010, and has been a social justice and anti-war activist for 50 years. Pat is a founding member of Quaker Action Mid-Atlantic Region and Friends Ending Gun Violence Collaborative. She is a member of the executive committee of Quaker Earthcare Witness and is a Yearly Meeting Climate Witness Steward.
Burt Dallas: Co-Treasurer

Andrew Cadwallader: Intern
Andrew is a native of Salem, New Jersey, and a sophomore at Haverford College studying political science and environmental studies. Andrew grew up on a dairy farm in a Southern New Jersey Farming Community where he became interested in Politics and the Environment. On his family farm, he learned about the interactions between the environment and agriculture. While at Salem High School he learned about the politics of deindustrialization and consolidation. Previously Andrew has worked on an urban garden in Salem and as a student organizer for Students for BallotPA. Andrew is a Quaker and member of Salem Monthly Meeting.