Our organizations climate priority is Governor Shapiro’s Clean Energy Plan, which includes:
At the Pipefitter’s union hall in Scranton in March, Governor Josh Shapiro announced his Clean Energy Plan for Pennsylvania, consisting of two major initiatives: PRESS and PACER.
PRESS ( Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard) will amend the existing Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard, increasing the amount of renewable energy in our electricity supply from 8% to 35% in Tier 1 by 2035. The proposal also requires 10% in Tier 2 and adds a Tier 3 with a 5% requirement. This bill has the potential to get Pennsylvania’s clean energy industry moving again. House Bill 2277 is here. Public Hearing are expected to be held statewide this summer.
See QAMAR’s summary of PRESS Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yf03p1i-mWOGb_SYNzsa2j2ewnJK88AS/view?usp=drive_link
See PA Environmental Daily’s Blog on the House Environmental Resources and Energy hearing on June 24th, 2024 discussing PRESS legislation: https://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2024/06/house-committee-told-governors-energy.html
PACER (Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Program) would establish a state specific carbon market, compatible with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Unlike RGGI, most of the allowance proceeds would not be invested in clean energy, but instead would be returned to customers as a refund. Senate Bill 1191 is here.